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Powered by EF English First Makassar


Siti Maesaroh



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt




Submission of Essays
30 June - 25 August 2022

Selection of Essays
26 August - 20 September 2022

Announcement of Top 20
21 September 2022


Submission of Videos
: 23 September - 4 October 2022

Selection of Videos
5 - 7 October 2022

Announcement of Top 3
8 October 2022


15 October 2022



  1. PDHI Sulsel Essay Competition 2022 supported by EF English First Makassar is an essay competition that is open to the public for active junior high school students in the province of South Sulawesi.
  2. Participants are not charged any fees for participating in the PDHI Sulsel Essay Competition and participants are not required to make any transactions with the PDHI Sulsel and EF Makassar committee.
  3. The competition consists of 3 (three) assessment rounds:
    a. First Round: The submission of essays, which is followed by all participants.
    b. Second Half: Video submissions based on essays, followed by Top 20 of all collected essays.
    c. Grand Final: Presentation based on essays, followed by Top 3 submitted videos.
  4. By entering this competition, participants have agreed to grant PDHI Sulsel and EF English First Makassar the right to republish the related articles in any material.
  5. PDHI Sulsel and EF English First Makassar are not responsible for copyright infringement found in content submitted by participants.
  6. By entering this competition, participants have agreed to all applicable Terms and Conditions.
  7. Prizes are not cashable or given to another party.
  8. For information please contact: halovet.id@gmail.com or contact person:
    a. PDHI Sulselbar: drh. Risha 0812-4222-2248
    b. EF English First Makassar: Okto 0896-3014-6717

     or click the button

English Competitions HaloVet



  1. Essay submission is individual. 1 (one) participant may only register 1 (one) essay.
  2. The essay is written in:
    a. Standard English, with 1 space format.
    b. A4 size paper format with 4 cm left, 3 cm right, 3 cm top and bottom.
    c. The title are written using Times New Roman Bold font format, size 14.
    d. The contents are written using Times New Roman Regular font format, size 12.
    e. 600-1000 words (essay’s body title not included).
    f. Relevant given theme.
    g. PDF file format.
  3. Participants must choose 1 (one) theme area to be discussed:
    a. Many people have neglected animal health and it has affected human health as well.
    b. Humans have formed a pattern of dangerous interactions with wildlife/livestock.
    c. Keeping wild animals as pets should be criminalized because of the impact.
    d. Lack of public awareness about animal welfare.
    e. The dangers of seeking treatment through social media for animals.
  4. The essay needs to answer the following 3 (three) questions:
    a. What solutions can you think of to solve this problem?
    b. What do you expect from the world of veterinary medicine in the future to address or stop this problem?
    c. What do you think our government should do to prevent this problem from happening again?
  5. Participants may not write words or imply things that contain pornography, discrimination, and racial intolerance.
  6. Participants must attach a list of references/sources if there is material that adapts/ quotes/takes scientific facts from other publications, either written or video/sound recordings.
  7. Participants attach an essay document and upload via https://halovet.id/kongres-pdhi/
  8. All submissions must be received by 11:59 PM Central Indonesian Time on Thursday 25 August 2022. The organizer is not responsible for the submission of essays outside the specified time.
  9. Participants will get points from each of the assessment criteria which will be accumulated from the jury’s assessment.
  10. The 20 participants with the highest accumulated points will advance to the Second Round.
  11. The determination of 20 participants is based on the number of points criteria in the ‘FIRST ROUND ASSESSMENT CRITERIA’ section
  12. The decision of the jury from the EF team and the PDHI Sulsel Essay Competition 2022 committee is absolute and cannot be contested.



  1. The 20 participants with the highest accumulated points from essay coll and submit videos based on the essays in the First Round.
    ction will create
  2. Delivered by posting a video on your Instagram account using the hashtag #PDHISulsel #EFMakassar.
  3. Participants must tag @pdhi_sulselbar and @ef_makassar in the submitted video.
  4. Participants must ensure that their account is set to ‘Public’ for the video to be accessible.
  5. Participants must also register their videos by attaching and upload via youtube and the url send to form
  6. 1:00 to 10:00 minutes in duration.
  7. Content is made in English.
  8. Participants can only attach 1 (piece) video.
  9. Video resolution should not be less than 480P.
  10. The determination of the top 3 is based on the number of points according to the criteria in the ‘SECOND ROUND ASSESSMENT CRITERIA’ section.
  11. The decision of the jury from the EF team and the PDHI Sulsel Essay Competition 2022 committee is absolute and cannot be contested.
Babak Kedua English Competitions HaloVet



  1. A total of 3 participants with the highest accumulated points from video collection will be based on the essay in the First Round.
  2. The Grand Final will be held in Makassar City.
  3. The committee will cover the accommodation of participants from the area of origin.
  4. The maximum duration of the presentation is 15 (fifteen) minutes and 10 (ten) minutes for jury panel questioning.
  5. Presentation delivered and written in English.
  6. Participants must prepare presentation materials and props personally.
  7. Participants can present with or without a script.
  8. The determination of 1st Place, 2nd Place and 3rd Place is based on the number of points according to the criteria in the ‘WINNER ASSESSMENT CRITERIA’ section.
  9. The decision of the jury from the EF team and the PDHI Sulsel Essay Competition 2022 committee is absolute and cannot be contested.
Babak Ketiga English Competitions HaloVet



  1. The suitability of the writing with the chosen topic (relevance).
  2. Originality. Writing does not copy from other publications, whether in the form of journals, articles (online/ magazines/ newspapers) or other material books. References and citations must reflect APA style guide. CLICK HERE.
  3. For English writing, the grades are Standard English; namely the accuracy in the use and variation of Grammar, the accuracy of spelling, as well as the placement and variation of Vocabularies in accordance with the context of the writing. It is allowed to write in both US
    English or British English.
  4. Writing accuracy (trusted reference must be attached)


  1. The suitability of the substance with the theme.
  2. Creativity.


  1. Presentation
    a. Confidence
    b. Creativity (the use of either tools, media, and costume to elaborate materials)
    c. Expression and Eye Contact
    d. Time Management
  2. Theory
    a. Originality
    b. Organization logic
    c. Research and Topic Understanding
  3. English use
    Standard English; namely the accuracy in the use and variation of Grammar, the accuracy of
    spelling and pronunciation, as well as the placement and variation of Vocabularies in
    accordance with the written context. It is allowed to use US English or British English

Garansi Kepuasan 100%

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vitae ultricies erat. Vestibulum dictum feugiat risus sit amet lacinia. Phasellus maximus id lacus sed varius. Aenean dapibus hendrerit eros, eget varius orci mollis vitae. Maecenas pharetra consequat erat, eget molestie nisl semper et. Etiam fringilla urna quis est imperdiet mollis.

Frequently Asked Questions

Pertanyaan 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur quis est diam. Maecenas mollis enim libero. Vivamus vitae nulla tempor diam blandit gravida. Ut eleifend vitae nulla ac aliquam. Fusce placerat ante non nisl ultrices, non luctus sem rhoncus.

Pertanyaan 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur quis est diam. Maecenas mollis enim libero. Vivamus vitae nulla tempor diam blandit gravida. Ut eleifend vitae nulla ac aliquam. Fusce placerat ante non nisl ultrices, non luctus sem rhoncus.

Pertanyaan 3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur quis est diam. Maecenas mollis enim libero. Vivamus vitae nulla tempor diam blandit gravida. Ut eleifend vitae nulla ac aliquam. Fusce placerat ante non nisl ultrices, non luctus sem rhoncus.

Pertanyaan 4

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur quis est diam. Maecenas mollis enim libero. Vivamus vitae nulla tempor diam blandit gravida. Ut eleifend vitae nulla ac aliquam. Fusce placerat ante non nisl ultrices, non luctus sem rhoncus.

Pertanyaan 5

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur quis est diam. Maecenas mollis enim libero. Vivamus vitae nulla tempor diam blandit gravida. Ut eleifend vitae nulla ac aliquam. Fusce placerat ante non nisl ultrices, non luctus sem rhoncus.

Pertanyaan 6

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur quis est diam. Maecenas mollis enim libero. Vivamus vitae nulla tempor diam blandit gravida. Ut eleifend vitae nulla ac aliquam. Fusce placerat ante non nisl ultrices, non luctus sem rhoncus.


Contact Person

PDHI Sulselbar
drh Risha Catra Pradhany

EF English First Makassar
Kak Okto


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